Friday, September 21, 2007

New Products!

With the Holiday season fast approaching, I've decided to take on a couple more products which will be great for Holiday gifts. The first one is called Heritage Makers Books. These are great books that you can design yourself, or just drag and drop your own photos onto their computer program. Then, in about a week or two, you receive your very own book. I created my first book for my two daughters. I showed my family and friends, and everyone who sees it wants to make one for themselves.
To promote these new books, I'm offering a free 5x5 brag book for anyone who books their holiday session before October 30th. Just call or email me for more information or to book your portrait session. To view the Heritage Makers website, go to

Ok, so my next product is one of my favorites! It's Gina Alexander Photo purses! I am so excited about these purses! Not only are they so cool, but celebrities are also lined up to get these! I just sent in my first design for my purse, and I can't wait to receive it!
To promote these purses, I'm offering $15 off the purchase of a purse when you book your portrait session before October 30th.
Please note that sessions are already booking for the holiday season, and to receive your products before the holidays, you need to purchase them by November 30th.

Come to the studio to see each product in person.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ciera's Grad Photos

Wow, Ciera is such a beautiful girl, and such a natural at posing for photos. I had so much fun taking her senior photos. We took almost 100! She even got into the water for me. Brave girl! Take a peek at some of my favorites...