Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Libby's CFF Benefit

I had the honor of attending one of my client's CFF Benefits last night. Four month old, Libby has CFF (Cystic Fibrosis). I've been the family's photographer since the wedding of her parents a couple of years ago. This is the couple's second child, along with Libby's older brother.
The diagnosis of CFF was quite a shock to everyone! I was happy to help make the postcards for Libby's benefit, and to donate a portrait session for the silent auction.
I was really excited when I won one of the items in the auction! A super cute, wool hat! I love it!
I know that the weather was not very good last night, so alot of people who were planning on going to the benefit, could not make it. I do have Libby's caringbridge site for anyone who would like more information on her, and/ or to donate to her CF Foundation.
I can't wait until Libby's 6 month photos!!
Until then, my family and I will be praying for Libby and her family!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all!! It has been a long month of pictures, and photo cards, and everything else in between. But, of course I love my photography, and it has been my extreme pleasure to have so many devoted clients! I sincerely hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I'm taking a short vacation to La Crosse, to visit familly. Should be relaxing! I'm looking forward to reading my new book, "The Dog Whisperer/ Ceaser Milan". We'll see what it says about my submissive Golden Retriever, and my territorial pug!
Anyway, when I get back I hope to post some of my many fun images that I've done over the season. Take care, and God Bless!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Little Jacob

Cute little Jacob and his big brother were having fun in our session the other day. Nearly 10 years difference in age, but they were adorable together!
I love these kinds of shots...

Expecting Pics

It's been awhile since I've been able to blog. (Busy Holiday season!) I did however, decide to take the time to post these images of an expectant couple. I actually photographed their wedding 3 years ago! And now, they're pregnant with their first child! I just love being able to watch a couple blossom into a family!! I do love these images, and I can't wait to meet their new little one soon!